Tis the season of thankfulness! After the isolation of Covid, I have a new appreciation to the look of normalcy, and look forward to being with family! Hope you enjoy this season, and express to your loved ones, your gratitude to them. Love each day!
My thoughts of gratitude extend to each of you! You are an amazing group, working the Gallery, growing in your knowledge of painting, sharing your work, and encouraging each other!
The first day of the fundraiser was very successful! Pieces from the Gallery Show were sold, and all the minis are now on display. Feel free, to continue to donate to that effort.
Challenge Paintings ideas for 2023, were chosen by four of the most faithful, to the monthly challenge. I think you will love the challenges, they provide. Your list will be in the mail, soon.
Hope you will be able to attend the Dec. meeting, on the 27th. Wrap an 11×14, or smaller painting, bring a snack, and enjoy the evening! Paintings are not required, but a good time is mandatory!
Nov. 29th is our next meeting. This will be our final program on Composition, by Diane Bay. The Challenge will be Wandering, idea by James Johnson.
Brenda Foster will be our next Featured Artist. Thanks, to Dale Houseworth for his wonderful show in November.
Jenny Fuller and Liz Hudson have brightened our Christmas display! Be sure to thank them.
Get your appetites ready, share your thankfulness, and enjoy the season. Thanks, for all you do for PAPA.