Labor Day is passed, now it is time to think about Christmas! Our December meeting is the Painting Exchange, and always a fun evening. Bring your 11 x14, or smaller, painting gift wrapped and a favorite snack. After the busy season, it is so nice to share and visit!
Jenny and Liz will be decorating our window for the Christmas season. The plans are to have Santa, painting!
The date for beginning our annual fundraiser, $10 Miniature Sale, is November 19th. The Sale will continue until the paintings are gone. We need your support for this effort, these monies fund the lean months of business. Miniatures 5×7 and 4×6 seem to sell the best and the subject is, anything! Please help us!
It is time again for the Gallery Show Change! Oct 24th and 25th, are the dates to bring your work. Bring 4 Framed, 4 Unframed, 7 Miniatures, and 8 Cards. Sales of your work continue to be so good! I look forward to the next show. New forms are available on the Website and at the Gallery.
Our next meeting is September 27th, 7:00, at the Gallery. Diane Bay will lead us in a 3 month study of Composition. This is probably one of the least understood elements of painting! Come and be ready to learn.
The Challenge for September is Jazz, idea by Suzanne and Charles Alexander. The October Challenge is Hands, idea by Phyllis Lindsey.
Linda Roberts is the Featured Artist for October. Many thanks to Liz for her show, and sharing for 2 months.
At our recent Board Meeting, we voted to bring back the Favorite Painting, as voted by our visitors. This will begin in 2023.
We have much to do, in the coming months! Enjoy the coming of fall and the beauty of nature. As always, thanks for all you do for PAPA.