Ice was scary, the frigid temps, too cold, but wasn’t the snow beautiful? Because
of this, our sales have been few, making me realize the importance of our $10 Mini
Fundraiser! Thanks to your donations, we have $2680 to sustain us through the
lean times. Thank you to all who helped us.
Time for a Gallery Show Change. Bring your work January 27th and 28th.
As always, 4 framed, 4 unframed, 7 miniatures, and 8 cards. To help in labeling
the show, put the title of the 4 framed paintings on a PostIt and tape to the front
of the painting. This helps to connect the printed label, to your work. Show Entry
Forms are available at the Gallery and our wonderful website.
The 28th is also our regular meeting. I am so excited about the program! We
will walk next door to Broadway Tattoos to learn about “The Art of Tattoo”. Jeremey
is definitely an artist! Please have your work checked in early, the Program will
begin at 7:15. We will return and complete our business.
The Challenge is “Painting in Black and White Only”. February Challenge is
“Painting of Shoes”.
The Featured Artist, for February is Liz Hudson. Thank you, Marcia Duncan,
for your wonderful show, and allowing us to enjoy your work, one more month.
Refreshments for January will be provided by Linda Robert’s.
January Dues, due….Martha Brown, Carol Hudson, Liz Hudson and Dutch
Stay warm, safe, and healthy! As always, thank you for all you do for PAPA.