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 In April of 1991, Clyde Lawter, along with many local artists, founded Paducah Area Painter’s Alliance, for the purpose of uniting artists, to encourage, motivate, educate, and showcase artists and their works. January 1998, Dwayne Smith signed a lease with McMurry and Livingston, for the first-floor property of 124 Broadway.  Twenty-seven years later, we are still here, promoting the directives of that group in 1991!  Tuesday evening, we will celebrate this milestone, at our first monthly meeting since the Pandemic!  Wear your mask and social distancing will be observed.

Time for a Gallery Show change, so bring your work, Monday the 26th or Tuesday, the 7th.  Continue with four framed, seven miniatures and four unframed.  I am so excited to see us together again!

For our program, Sandi says, please bring something you have worked on, during this time, finished or unfinished, to share with the group, and share how the Pandemic has affected your work.

The Challenge Painting is Touch of Gold.  May Challenge is, Fun in the Sun.

Be sure to see Susan Lambert’s Featured Artist Show, is just excellent!  Carol Tribou will be May Featured Artist.

For the second time, Don Sahli, will offer a workshop for us, May 20,21,22, entitled  “Painting with Paint, Color, and, Temperature”.  An American Impressionistic Artist, Don carries on the Russian tradition of Sergi Bongart.  No matter your style, or level of painting, you will enjoy his expertise, knowledge, and use of color.  You may work in oils or acrylic.  If interested, call me, 270-519-3198, for more details.

Vaccines taken, Covid cases falling, hope everyone will become active in Gallery Shows, again.  We are the safest place you can go!

Thanks, for all you do for PAPA!


Dues due: Judith Webb