There sure is a lot going on this month and we are anxious for you to drop in and see all our new art! Choosing one representative painting from the many works in our new show is difficult, but since Irises are in full bloom now, this one stood out. Gilded by Sandi Johnson seems perfect for the time. See it and a whole gallery full of new paintings when you stop by or see a big sampling online here.
Gilded by Sandi Johnson (Shown Above)
You selected Harrietta Harper’s Cypress Knee Thicket as the People’s Choice last month. She does a masterful job of creating intriguing, colorful depictions of the local area and she has other paintings in this show just waiting for you to come see!

Cypress Knee Thicket by Harrietta Harper
PAPA artists brought outstanding works to the Woman’s Club of Paducah annual Art Exhibition! John Duncan McLaren’s paintings took center stage as last year’s Best of Show winner. Jean Lorrah brought home first place in the Professional category with this painting of a kitten! She is also our featured artist for May and you can see this painting and several of her other works in our special exhibit area or online here. Other artists with winning paintings included Diane Bay, V.L. Gingrich, Mary Ann Huebschmann, and Carol Tribou. Unfortunately that exhibit has ended, but you can see works by each of these artists in the gallery.

a shot of John’s exhibit

Jean Lorrah’s winning painting
Another opportunity to showcase artistry came when member Rebekah Thuline was asked by her boss if she would like to enter a competition for a new pin design. If chosen, it would represent our region’s Walmart market at the Annual Walmart Shareholders convention. She, of course, got right to work and her design was selected by the Walmart Corporation! Congratulations to Rebekah!

Rebekah and her winning design
PAPA artist Linda Roberts was challenged to create a collage to showcase and celebrate the beautiful historical city of Mayfield, Kentucky as it was before the tornado. With the help of many citizens who contributed photos; answered many questions; and provided guidance; she was able to draw a city she did not know. Her painting will help many remember the city as it was. Prints of this painting can be purchased in the gallery.

Linda with her Mayfield collage
The challenge prompt for our artists last month was Painting with Texture. This beach scene painted by Eve Adams provides ample illustration of how texture can influence the overall impression of a painting. You can see this one as well as all the other textured paintings on the Challenge Wall in the back of the gallery or online here.

During the recent Water of Life festival in downtown Paducah, a couple of PAPA artists took their work out onto the sidewalk! Visitors had an opportunity to see artists at work and even to commission one while they waited! Artists Eve Adams and Chad McLaren had a good time sharing their art with the folks walking by. If you’d like to see this kind of activity first hand, watch our calendar (located at the bottom of our website home page) for an indication that someone will be painting “sidewalk portraits.” If you have a favorite artist, you can also see when they’re scheduled to work and drop in while they’re there.

Chad McLaren works on a colorful one!

Eve Adams works on a portrait
All the artists at PAPA appreciate your time when you stop by to share in our mutual enjoyment of art. Thank you for all your support!
“Art does not reproduce what we see. It makes us see.”
~ Paul Klee 1879-1940