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In a bit of a twist on our monthly Featured Artist exhibit, the PAPA Gallery is pleased to introduce you to a new painting duo. John McLaren and his son Chad McLaren have followed their own distinct paths to finally come together in a common artistic endeavor. The first in a promised series by the father and son team, “Together at Last” highlights their different approaches and styles. Not just a happy accident, together they’ve created something more than either would have realized alone. In this special exhibit you’ll see paintings by both John and Chad. You can observe the similarities and differences between their artworks and speculate about what they might create next. From time to time, you can even catch Chad working at his easel on the sidewalk with a box of pastel paints.


Come take advantage of this opportunity to see the McLarens’ work side by side. While you’re here, browse the other paintings we have waiting to help you enjoy the changing seasons. Make some time to come in and simply enjoy art with us!