It is July 4th, almost! Hard to believe that 2022 is approaching the half-way point! There is a feeling of normalcy and maybe more hope than we have felt over the past two years. Thank you, for all you do, on a daily basis, to keep our Gallery open! ...
In the past few months, we have welcomed new members, Jan Barrett from Smithland, Darlene Stephens from Gilbertsville, and Megan Larson from Paducah. Jan and Darlene, jumped right in entered the new show, and their work is selling! Megan has plans to enter the...
April 1991, Clyde Lawter gathered local artists and together, they formed Paducah Area Painter’s Alliance. His idea was met with enthusiastic support, to educate, support, and encourage localartists. Thirty one years later, his idea is still alive and well, at 124...
Happy Spring! With the blossoming of trees, and happiness of Jonquils raising their colorful heads, hope seems to be in the air. The anticipation of once again mowing the grass, wearing shorts and sandals, and outdoor activities is quite exciting to me! Cautiously,...
The recent episode of ice and snow, resulted in the Gallery being closed a few days. Our location, facing north on Broadway, makes thawing nearly impossible, but Jenny Fuller faced the elements, with determination! With Ice Melt and our shovel, she cleared the way for...
Happy 2022! Have you noticed the similarities to 2021?Stand firm, we will get beyond the challenges, and there ismuch to look forward to, in the coming year! The $10 Mini Fundraiser total was $2660! Congratulations! This amount, plus renewed memberships, will help in...