Do you feel that summer is slipping away? It seems like only two weeks ago, I could not wait for warmer weather, to plant my flowers! I always tell you, that I love fall’s crisp, cool weather, buying new clothes, loving the bright colors of leaves, and...
Paducah has “Ambassadors” or “Red Coats” doing various activities of welcoming in our wonderful city. PAPA has an Ambassador, painting outside the Gallery, at every opportunity…… Chad McLaren! As he works, he interacts with people on the street, even had a...
In case you have not noticed, we are swiftly approaching the half-way point of 2024! Goodness. As a group, we seem to stay busy and so far, this year has been no exception. The end of July, the 29th and 30th will be another Gallery Show change and it is never...
Once again, it is planting time and the battle with the Bunnies is in full swing! With the help of cotton balls and Oil of Peppermint, I have lost only two tender plants to the biggest Rabbit, I have ever seen! Fingers crossed, that my good fortune continues. I hope...
The Eclipse was one we will remember and talk about for years to come! To me, it was more exciting than the one, just seven years earlier. The Eclipse Event, at the Gallery, was also memorable! I opened the door at noon, visitors poured in, I greeted and Jenny was...
Happy Spring! As I write this, tonight is officially spring….kind of cold! Thisrebirth of nature is so beautiful to me, even the Dandelions and blooming weeds!Those prolific purple blooming weeds are Dead Nettle and Henbit, favorites ofHoney Bees, so watch for them...