Brenda Foster
Brenda Foster
Labels are a tricky thing to juggle; you could accurately call me a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a retired math teacher, a cattle farmer, a bee keeper, an outdoor enthusiast and a person who enjoys trying to capture beauty on a canvas.
I was born and reared in Western Kentucky but I have traveled a great deal. The wonders that God has given this world from a baby’s smile to a majestic mountain enthralls me and I love to attempt to capture his gifts in oil paintings. To contact me, send an email to brendafoster188@yahoo.com.

Lost Calf
16×20 Oil

A Walk By The Creek
11×14 Oil

Looking Out
Oil On Old Glass Window

Evening Snow
11×14 Oil

Time To Feed The Chickens
16×20 Oil

Child On The Beach
16×20 Oil

With Time Comes Change With Faith Eternity
11×14 Oil
124 Broadway St
Paducah, KY 42001, USA
(270) 575-3544
Open Hours
Tuesday – Saturday: 11am – 3pm
Other times by appointment only.
Call (270) 519-3198 for appt.