Meet Becca, an Illinois artist relatively new at The PAPA Gallery. After we installed her show, I asked her some questions. Becca, a retired high school Social Studies teacher, paints lively images in oil and acrylic. She loved art as a child and returned to it when she retired. At first, she thought she would do mostly crafts and collected a lot of buttons and metal shapes and pieces, and other items. She has been painting for the past 4 years and has found a use for that collection of items, adding them to her paintings to add depth and interest, and layers of intriguing detail. Becca is a self-taught artist, taking advantage of tutorials on YouTube.
Four of Becca’s favorite artists are: Paul Wright, for his painting style, Ardith Goodwin for her colors, and Emma Pettit, and Donna Downey. If you’re curious you can find them online. Her inspirations are women with attitude, fun and sassy. When asked if there was something in particular she would like us to know about her, a question that all of our Featured Artists are going to be asked, she said, she was like her paintings, fun and funky. What you see (in the paintings) is what you get! I haven’t known her long, but I would say that’s an accurate comment, as Becca is fun and sassy. Drop in and see her show. You might just want to make a purchase.