I get inspiration for my work from nature. I am an outdoor enthusiast and love to kayak, boat, camp, hike and garden. I also like to read, dance, yoga and exercise. Most of my paintings are of objects found outdoors. My favorite mediums are acrylic and watercolor. In the early 90’s, I won First Place in watercolor and Honorable Mention in drawing in the Women’s Club of Paducah Art Show.
My love for art started when I was a little girl, the fourth of eight children. When I was young, I would often keep busy by lining up my little brothers and stuffed animals and play school, but most of the time drawing and creating were my go-to hobbies. I loved to copy cartoons from the newspaper, draw Holly Hobby dolls and portraits of my family. Early on, I wanted to be a graphic artist or illustrator. I admire the work of Walt Disney, Andy Warhol, Norman Rockwell and the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. However, my chosen career was teaching and after over 30 years, I retired and renewed my love of art.
Favorite art quote: Art is not what you see, but what you make others see. E. Degas